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26. Halpern, D. F. How time-flexible work policies can reduce stress, improve health, and save money. Stress Health 21, 157–168 (2005).
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Listing of Organizations on the Connecticut Coalition to Improve Birth Outcomes
Tier 1 - Addressing Socio-Economic Factors to Improve Birth Outcomes in Connecticut
Tier 2 - Changing the Context: Improving health outcomes by making healthy choices the easy choice
Tier 4 - Ongoing Clinical Interventions: Evidence-based interventions within clinical settings
Tier 5 - Education and Counseling: Individual or public educational messages and support
1. CDC Health Disparities and Inequalities Report - United States, 2011. (Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention). at
2. Shaping Policy for HealthTM - Directors of Health Promotion and Education. Directors of Health
Promotion and Education (2014). at
3. DPH: Connecticut State Health Assessment and Health Improvement Plan. at
4. Callahan, T. Building a Comprehensive Initiative to Improve Birth Outcomes and Reduce Infant Mortality: The AMCHP Compendium. The Pulse: A Monthly Newsletter from the Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs (2012). at
5. Lu, M. C. Improving Maternal and Child Health Across the Life Course: Where Do We Go from Here? Matern. Child Health J. 18, 339–343 (2014).
6. Frieden, T. R. A Framework for Public Health Action: The Health Impact Pyramid. Am. J. Public Health 100, 590–595 (2010).
7. Fine. A. & Kotelchuck, M. Rethinking MCH: The Life Course Model as Organizing Framework. (2010). at <>
8. Halfon, N., Larson, K., Lu, M., Tullis, E. & Russ, S. Lifecourse Health Development: Past, Present and Future. Matern. Child Health J. 18, 344–365 (2014).
9. Harris, K. An Integrative Approach to Health. Demography 47, 1–22 (2010).
10. Cheng, T. L. & Solomon, B. S. Translating life course theory to clinical practice to address health disparities. Matern. Child Health J. 18, 389–395 (2014).
11. Nemeroff, C. B. Neurobiological consequences of childhood trauma. J. Clin. Psychiatry (2004). at